“We Are Here to Help You Maximize Your Reach!”

What should be in a digital media kit?

A digital media kit (or press kit) is a document that includes information about your business along with different brand resources which are put together for reporters and media contacts who want to write about your company. This also helps marketer understand more about who you are and what you do.

  • Media or PR contact information. In the event a member of the press should reach out to an organization, who should they contact?

  • Important and recent press releases

  • Company background

  • Leadership biographies and headshots.

  • Your Business Logo(s)

  • B-roll footage and still photographs

  • Social Media Infographics

Digitial Marketing Kit

A digital marketing kit is a collection of digital marketing files companies provide to prospective clients. Effective marketing kits show potential customers what differentiates your company from the competition and why you are the better choice.

  • Leadership biographies and headshots.

  • Your Business Logo(s)

  • B-roll footage and still photographs

  • Social Media posts